Value of your worship (Daniel 3)

Value of your worship (Daniel 3)


God woke me up to read the Bible around 6:00 today, so I want to share what I got from Daniel Chapter 3.

Daniel 3:1-15

The story's background is after Daniel, supernaturally interpreting King Nebuchadnezzar's dream, the king acknowledged, "Your God is the God of gods and the Lord of kings." After that, Nebuchadnezzar set up a (probably an image of himself) golden statue for people to worship, and someone reported that Daniel's three friends did not worship it. The king demanded them to worship, or they would be thrown into a fiery furnace and burned to death.

  • Enemies attempt to get our worship through manipulation. 
  • Even if they got our worship, it is not genuine worship (in spirit and truth).
  • Your worship is either from love or from fear.
  • The despicable aspect of the enemy is that it seeks to steal our worship of God. If it cannot get it, it distorts our worship, making us accustomed to being controlled and enslaved, making our worship no longer from a heart of love but out of fear. So even if we worship God, He won’t get wholehearted, genuine, and love-driven worship anymore.

Daniel 3:16-18

Daniel's three friends respond that our God can save us from the fiery furnace and your hand. Even if not (even if He does not intervene to save us), we will not serve your gods or worship the image.

  • The three friends firmly protect the worship that belongs to God alone.
  • They deeply understand the value of their worship (their attention and affirmation).
  • They reserve such worship (their attention and affirmation) exclusively for God.
  • Even if their lives are threatened, they are unwilling to give such worship to anyone else.
  • They believe in God's ability to save them even when their lives are in jeopardy.
  • Even if God does not answer their prayers, they will not give such worship to others.

Daniel 3:19-30

When the three friends were thrown into the fiery furnace, the fire even killed those who carried them, but they were unharmed, and there was a man like a son of God with them. The king recognizes them as servants of the Most High God, praises their God, and marvels that they would not worship any god other than the Lord even at the risk of their lives. The king orders that no one in the nation should blaspheme or speak against the God of the three friends. In the end, Daniel's three friends are promoted.

  • Evil ones (and those who agree with them) will be burned by their own evil.
  • When people see the worship offered by true worshipers, even if they do not know God, whether they are willing to admit it or not, they can recognize God's existence. 
  • True worship can awaken the fear of the Lord in people's spirits.
  • When we worship God, even if doing so may not lead us into a safe place, and may even lead us to face persecution and difficulties, what we can be sure of is that it is a path to true life – Jesus.





  • 仇敵試圖透過掌控的方式來獲得我們的敬拜。
  • 即便透過掌控獲得的敬拜,那也並不是真正的敬拜(靈與誠實)。
  • 仇敵可惡的地方是,牠企圖奪走我們對神(且只有神配得)的敬拜。如果牠得不到,牠就扭曲我們的敬拜,例如讓我們習慣被掌控、被奴役,讓我們的敬拜不再出於心靈與誠實,而是出於恐懼。這樣的話,就算我們敬拜神,神也得不到全心的、真誠的、出於愛的敬拜。



  • 三友堅定地保護專屬於神的敬拜。
  • 他們深知自己的敬拜(專注和愛慕)的價值。他們只為上帝保留這樣的敬拜(專注和愛慕)。
  • 即使性命被威脅,他們也不願讓這樣的敬拜落在別人手中。
  • 他們相信神的能力是能在生命被威脅的時刻也能拯救他們的。
  • 即使神沒有回應他們的禱告,他們的敬拜也不會落在別人手上。



  • 惡者(和同意惡者的人)會被自己的惡燒傷。
  • 當人看到真正的敬拜者所給出的敬拜,即使他們未曾認識神,不管他們願不願意承認,他們也能意識/認知到神的存在。
  • 真正的敬拜能喚醒人們靈裡的敬畏。
  • 當我們敬拜神,即使這麼做不一定會帶我們走進安舒裡,甚至會叫我們面對迫害、艱難,我們能確定的是,那是一條通往(真)生命的路。